Baif International pharmaceutical company
Baif International is a pharmaceutical company founded in the mid 1970’s, dedicated to research, development and marketing of pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical products.
Baif works with various departments of Italian universities with the purpose of creating the most innovative, efficient and safe formulations for the sake of your health.

Well-being with no side
Baif 1970’s.
The forerunners of artificial tearsThe company was born from the intuition and the American experience of the founding members who, in the mid ’70s, realized the first artificial tears produced in Italy, Lacrimart. This concept of eye drops was already known by American ophthalmologists, but little used in the industry European ophthalmology of those times.
See the productBaif 1980’s.
These are the years in which contact lenses began to spread, and Baif associated Lacrimart with a number of liquids for maintenance and cleaning of contact lenses.
Baif 1990’s.
BAIF, always with an eye to what happens in the USA, began to introduce the first dietary supplements into the market, placing particular attention to the ocular field since they were already well introduced in the market with eye drops.
Baif 2000’s.
The dietary supplements begin to have a scientific recognition, even from the medical community, until then still skeptical about the usefulness of this type of products and BAIF in collaboration with some universities, broadens the horizons introducing into the market other supplements useful in different fields of medicine, with the aim of always improving well-being and preventing future pathologies.
Baif today
OFTYVIT represents the highest peak of research, which lasted several years and was aimed at creating eye drops containing vitamins and able to reach the most internal tissues of the eye and to ensure greater efficacy by topical means.
See the product
Take care
of your health
Health is a precious good that must be looked after daily, with a proper lifestyle, a well balanced diet and physical activity.
Sometimes though, these things don’t happen, and help is needed in order to prevent or slow down aging, by using natural ingredients that represent, by the way, the foundation of allopathic medicine and, most importantly, that have no side effects.

We always rely
on research
Years after research and collaboration with il Centro per la Ricerca Clinica e la Sperimentazione delle malattie della Superficie oculare di Genova (Center of clinical research and trial for ocular surface’s diseases in Genoa), Baif has obtained a patent for eye drops that represent a worldwide innovation.
Eyesight represents
80% of our perceptions
The synergy of ingredients, provides the internal tissues of the eye with an antioxidant and chelating action, thanks to MSM’s capability to improve cellular membranes’ permeability, helping the intake of trace elements and vitamins to the internal part of the eye, as shown in recent scientific studies.
The international scientific community agrees on the ever growing importance of antioxidating action, which, in the case of OFTYVIT® has proven its superior efficiency for its topical use.
The goal of most recent therapeutic approaches for preventing and contrasting cataract and numerous other ocular diseases is to inhibit and eventually reduce oxidative damages, which is generally caused by proinflammatory agents.